Saturday 23 July 2011

Amy Winehouse - Finally met something she couldn't beat up up

On the day that a Norwegian lunatic ran amok and killed over 90 children, what was the hot topic on Facebook? The death of Amy bloody Winehouse. They say you shouldn't speak ill of the dead, but frankly I spoke ill of her when she was alive, and I don't plan to stop now.

She was a violent, self-indulgent, petulant, childish brat who finally reaped exactly what she sowed. But because she had a fantastic voice, she was tolerated. Hitler liked nice music and animals - does that mean everyone should have looked the other way?

Frankly, I loathed and detested everything about Amy Winehouse; her contempt for her fans; her disregard for her health; her disregard for those who helped her become popular. But far more than my loathing of all things Amy, is my contempt for her fans who enabled her to continue her childish, certifiable antics and still be a success.

Yeah, she was tortured, yeah she had issues - doesn't everyone?

Ultimately, nature is less forgiving, and it seems that she finally met something she couldn't badmouth or assault - her own mortality in the face of a lifetime of self-abuse.

Would I wish her dead? Nope. Am I at all surprised or saddened? Again, nope.

Another reason to despise Christians

Whenever a Christian behaves badly, other Christians all distance themselves with shit like, "Well he wasn't really a Christian" or "He wasn't from my faith."  So today, the 23rd of July 2011, the world wakes up to a new Christian horror thanks to Anders Behring Breivik, a man who describes himself as a Fundamentalist Christian no less. Fundamentalist, that means he believes in old-fashioned Christian beliefs, and apparently he's modelled himself on the Biblical depiction of King Herod, who supposedly slaughtered all the children in Bethlehem. This monumental fucking scumbag (Breivek, not Herod) took it upon himself to sneak into a young people's youth camp and massacre upwards of 90 children ranging in age from 11 to 19.

It seems that supposedly Christian values like love and tolerance don't extend to this motherfucker's sect. When he has a point to make, he'll target the easiest, most vulnerable people first. I suppose we should be grateful he didn't go shoot up a maternity ward or a nursery school.

I don't care what your beef is; I don't care how desperate you are to make a point; I don't care how valid your point is, and I don't care how hard it is to get heard, you DO NOT FUCKING KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE - ESPECIALLY NOT CHILDREN!

But Christians are really good at delusion and rationalisation aren't they? They rationalise away all the lack of historical evidence for Jesus' very existence, they argue away all the inconsistencies, claiming these as evidence for its truth, and they kid themselves that their shared delusions about the existence of an all-powerful superbeing who loves us desperately but is happy to sit and watch whilst countless millions of us die in abject misery because it's all part of some greater fucking plan, makes them special. It does make them special. It makes them the biggest group of fucking idiots on the planet! It's incontrovertible proof, if any were needed, that the majority is not usually right - the majority are a bunch of morons who shouldn't be left unsupervised with sharp objects.

So against the massive weight of delusional behaviour required to be a moderately average Christian, let alone a goddamned fundamentalist, it's hardly surprising that this Norwegian fuckwit has found the motivation to take things one step further and start killing innocents.

For fuck's sake, this is not a new concept to Christians, who have been collectively warping minds, torturing and killing children for pretty much all of their 2000 year existence.

So Breivik has killed 90 or so in one go; it's only a matter of timescale, but otherwise how is that really any different to the tens of thousands of kids corrupted by the Catholic church in the modern age, or the hundreds of thousands killed in the name of Christ down the ages? My only hope is that this brings Christianity back under the spotlight, and helps to expose it for the subversive evil that it truly is.

I know that some of you reading this rant will dismiss it as the misdirected anger of someone outraged at this horror. You'll say, "Oh but this was nothing to do with Christianity - this man was unhinged, and he would have done it anyway." Maybe you're right, or just maybe, Christianity, or let's be broader and say, religion, is a training ground that teaches people from the youngest possible age, to dismiss reason in favour of fantasy, humanity in favour of divine retribution and justice, and it teaches people to cheapen all life on this Earth by the comforting and childish belief that we all have immortal souls. There are 2.1 billion Christians on this planet, 5.6 people who pray to a single god, and every fucking one of them is potentially the next Breivik; the next Torquemada. Because the line between smug moral superiority and inquisition is not as wide as you might think...

As for Breivik, I never used to be a fan of the death penalty, and in his case, I wouldn't want him to get off that lightly. Perhaps we could give him to some of the Muslims he apparently hates so much - I have it on reliable authority that some of them still have the means and the desire to get medieval on westerners. Is that fundamental enough for you motherfucker?